Friday, January 29, 2010

Free For All Friday

Good morning, Ashby!

Here's what happening on campus this weekend:

Saxophone Quartet, 6:00 PM, Anthony-Seeger Hall, free
Men's Choir Invitational, 7:30 PM, Wilson Hall, $5

Women's Swimming vs. Richmond, 12 Noon

Friday and Saturday
Paranormal Activity, 7:00 PM, Grafton-Stovall
The Box, 9:30 PM, Grafton-Stovall

Women's Basketball vs. Towson, 2:00 PM
River North Chicago Dance Company, 7:30 PM, Wilson Hall, $12

Have a great weekend!
Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hall Socials

Good morning, Ashby!

It’s that time of year again. Time to plan an all-hall social. The question is…what do you want? What type of social do you want to have together? Last semester we had the Chinese Picnic and the Mario Kart Wii tournament. What would you like to see this semester?

Leave a comment in the comment section today and let me know what you think.

The Community Activities Board is already planning some thing for the Olympics and Superbowl….so what else would you like to see? Let me know!

Until next time…
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Study Break!

Good morning, Ashby!!!

Let's face the facts- it's getting to that point in the semester when the work load is picking up and we're all reminded of why we love a LONG winter break so much! So, I say give yourself some time for a study break and let yourself enjoy some 'you' time a little bit!

On Sunday night at a staff dinner, the Ashby RAs got into a discussion about how much was too much when it comes to playing video and computer games? We never came to a clear decision, but I say just be smart about it. Click here to check out some addicting online games that can occupy your mind for a bit.

Some other ideas are to grab a copy of the Breeze and the sudoku inside. Also, check out the new Valentine's Day bulletin board down in the basement for some 'creative date' ideas that can be used anytime, and not just for V-Day!

Enjoy some down time with yourself, Ashby! But....don't forget to be studying up, too!

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How To: Keep Your Resolutions

Good morning, Ashby!

Many of you probably came into this new year with some resolutions in mind. Was your resolution to start eating right, working out, and getting enough sleep, but now you are beginning to struggle with keeping those resolutions? Are you struggling to stay motivated? Well, then there is a program tonight that is perfect for you!

Come hear Student Wellness and Outreach give advice on how to keep your New Year's Resolution of how to stay fit. Tips will include how to diet properly, exercise, and eat healthy on campus! This event is a great way to start the New Year on the right foot!!

The program is taking place tonight at 6:00 PM in Taylor 402. It is a free event and is being sponsored by UPB! I hope some of you will consider checking it out.

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Monday, January 25, 2010

Maintenance Monday

Good morning, Ashby!!

Just a few quick things for Maintenance Monday!

1. Don't forget that every Sunday at 8 PM you can come to the TV Lounge and enjoy a sweet treat from me! Two weeks ago we had brownies, yesterday we had snickerdoodle cookies....what will it be this week? Come on Sunday night and find out!

2. The deadline to apply to live in Ashby next year is this Friday! Make sure you fill out the online application soon!

3. Remember to keep your belongings out of the hallway. All umbrellas, coats, shoes, suitcases, etc. need to be kept in your room!

Have a great day, Ashby!

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Friday, January 22, 2010

Free For All Friday

Good morning, Ashby!!

Here is what's going on around campus this weekend:

Robert Jospe and Inner Rhythm, 7:30 PM, Wilson Hall, $2

Friday and Saturday
Zombieland, 7:00 PM, Grafton-Stovall Theatre
Where the Wild Things Are, 9:30 PM, Grafton-Stovall Theatre

Enjoy the weekend!
Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Get Involved: UPB

Good morning, Ashby!

I received an email yesterday from one of the staff members that works for the University Program Board. It includes information about becoming involved with the organization next year! Please read below and let me know if you have any questions!

Hello! I hope you’re having a great start to your semester. My name is Lindsey Mitchell and I am the Graduate Advisor for the University Program Board.

The University Program Board is charged with providing educational, social, recreational and multicultural programs for the JMU community. To achieve this goal, UPB receives the largest percentage of student fees allocated by the Student Government Association. In this role, UPB has an immense responsibility to serve the 18,000 students who attend JMU.

We have begun our application process and I wanted to invite you to apply. Executive Council members are not required to have programming experience; however, we are looking for a strong interest and sense of work ethic.

We will have information sessions on the following nights:
January 28 @ 7-8 pm in Transitions (PIT Crew for new members)
February 4 @ 8-9 pm in Taylor 400 (Executive Council)
February 10 @ 8-9 pm in Festival Conference Room #3 (Executive Council)

At these information sessions, current members of the UPB Executive Council will explain their various positions, explain the application process and answer any questions.

I highly encourage you to apply and if you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me at Applications are now available on our website at or in the UPB office in Taylor 234.

Thank you,

Lindsey Mitchell

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Leadership Summit

Good morning, Ashby!

On Saturday, February 6, JMU will host its' annual Leadership Summit (leadership conference). Click here to see more info about the summit and register for the event. Here is some brief information to peak your curiosity.

The Student Leadership Summit is a free one-day conference for students who are involved in a recognized JMU student organization. This year's theme will focus on empowering all student leaders and organizations to work together and learn from each other in an effort to positively impact JMU and outside communities. The workshop sessions will be facilitated by students, faculty, and staff members and will be decided based upon the interest of the students. Sessions may include topics such as:
  • Recruiting and Retaining Members
  • Fundraising
  • Multiculturalism/Diversity
  • Building Effective Relationships with Organization Advisor
  • Increasing Member Involvement
I hope you will consider attending if you are a member of an org on campus! It will be a great experience for you and help you build important leadership skills!

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

T-shirts, Sweets, and DC!

Good morning, Ashby!

I hope you had a great long weekend! I also hope you got out to enjoy some of the warm weather yesterday- what a beautiful day to have off from school and/or work!

Three important reminders for this week:

1. Get your t-shirt money to Erin! We are ordering hall t-shirts soon and Erin D. needs your size/money. The t-shirts are $15. Check out the design/color of the shirt on the posters around the hall! Get in your order soon so you make sure you get one!

2. Sweets! Don't forget about the free, homemade treats I'll be giving out every Sunday evening at 8 PM in the TV Lounge! This is also the time of our CAB meeting, so come on in and join us!

3. DC! The Ashby trip to DC is this Saturday! All you have to do is give a $5 deposit to Michael A. and you're in! You will get your $5 back on Saturday when you board the bus, and you'll get a FREE trip to DC out of it! You'll be going to museums, Chinatown, etc. and get a free ride there and back on a bus provided by JMU! So, go see Michael and get signed up now!

That's all for now.
Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Friday, January 15, 2010

Free For All Friday

Good morning, Ashby!

Welcome back for another addition of Free for All Friday!

Here is what's happening this weekend on campus:

Funny Freakin' Friday in TDU, 8 PM

Men's Basketball vs. Old Dominion, 2 PM

Friday and Saturday
Couples Retreat, Grafton Stovall Theatre, 7:00 PM
Whip It, Grafton Stovall Theatre, 9:30 PM

University Sunday in Transitions, 11 AM - 1 PM
Women's Basketball vs. Old Dominion, 2 PM
Where the Wild Things Are, 3 PM, Grafton-Stovall Theatre

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Madison International

Good morning, Ashby!

It's that time of year when you are beginning to think about what you want to do next school year. This includes where you want to live! Well, I have some information that may help you to make that decision.

Are you interested in staying in Madison International and being a part of the learning community again next year?

If so you can apply to at the website listed below. The deadline is Friday, January 29th.

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Academic Mentors

Good morning, Ashby!!!

As we begin a new semester, I wanted to let you know about a resource here on campus if you were unhappy with the way your grades turned out for last semester. The FYI Center in Residence Life offers Academic Mentoring for students at JMU.

Academic Mentors are experienced JMU students who have received training and information about setting academic goals, time management, note taking, exam preparation and other important skills. If you participate in the program, you will be matched with an academic mentor. Throughout the course of the Spring semester, they will conduct several small group and individual meetings to help you plan your strategies for academic success.

If you are interested in getting an academic mentor, just contact the FYI staff at 540-568-4713 and sign up for the program!

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

MLK Jr. Celebration

Good morning, Ashby!

I hope you all had a great first day of classes yesterday.
As some of you may be aware, Monday is the American day of recognition for Martin Luther King, Jr. As a result, there will be no classes on Monday. However, there are some events that will be happening on campus in the coming days that I would like to encourage many of you to attend. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about MLK, Jr. and to celebrate his life and legacy. Click here to see a calendar of all the events taking place on campus.

Two of the major events are:

1. March and Speak Out, Thursday January 14 at 4 PM
Meet for this event at the James Madison statue near Varner House and Hoffman Hall.

2. MLK Formal Program, Monday January 18 at 7 PM
This event will take place in Wilson Hall and will include a keynote address from Reverend James Lawson. Check out the video below to learn more about the Reverend.

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Back!

Good morning, Ashby Hall!!!

Welcome Back! Ashby has been empty without each of you and I'm so glad you're all back! I hope you got lots of rest, plenty of time to see friends and family, and are ready for another great semester! Best of luck at your first day of classes this semester!

A few quick announcements and then you'll be on your way:
1. Welcome to 3 new residents here in Ashby! Welcome Almas, Chao, and Ryan! I hope you all will see them around the hall and give them your welcome!

2. Starting on Sundays we will have the Sunday Sugar Surprise Social. On Sunday evenings at 8 PM you can meet me downstairs in the TV lounge for that week's sugar surprise (cookie, brownie, etc.) and some social time with each other! I look forward to that time together each week.

3. Check out the new bulletin board in the basement. There are still a few days left to apply to be an RA- all the info you need is there!

Until next time...
Katie, Ashby Hall Director